Sunday, July 15, 2012

How it once was

I found this while digging through my notes. I remember feeling this way. It went into a really intense love letter. I think I'm going to start writing love letters again, but this time they'll be to me. A love letter written long ago............. Blackest of black Gouache spreads in branches across thick aquarelle. The dendrites reach out for new thoughts and expressions. Tonight I paint the bottoms of my feet in red ochre. They leave tiny red prints on the page.... Vessatrax.   I make my signals to you from across the gleaming cities and freeways. Quick, slow, quick quick, slow. My chest is heaving as I pant like a wolf. My breasts quiver like puppys begging to be pet and nuzzled. I run through the night with my bow and arrows ready to pierce your sacred heart of hearts. My hair smells of oakmoss and white patchouli. I run with my pack of spirit animals hunting for nourishment. Lusting for knowledge. The stars and moon flow through my veins and I am ignited by your fiery ways. Any girl who could resist your advances is a blind fool. I think about lying my ear to your chest and hearing your poetry flow from within you. I am enamored of your wanton words and animated stories. I cannot wait to stroke your hair and sing you to sleep. Can't see the waxing moon when you're surrounded in city. I want to watch the moon with you. I'd build a moon with you. We could start from scratch.

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